Mission Statement
To be recognised by Government and industry as the primary source of high-level strategic advice and leadership on VET priorities in relation to the workforce development needs of the Transport, Logistics and Wholesaling sectors in Western Australia.
Logistics Skills Council Role
The Logistics Skills Council (LSC), formerly known as the Logistics & Defence Skills Council (LDSC) is one of eight Training Councils which has been funded by State Government to fulfil the following roles:
- Provide a leadership role in promoting the training industry, including partnerships between industry and the training sector.
- Provide high level strategic information and advice to the Department of Training and Workforce Development and to the Office of the State Training Board on the training needs and priorities of industry in Western Australia.
- Formulate market intelligence on skills supply and demand, including current or emerging skills shortages.
- Provide a valuable contribution towards the preparation of the State Training Profile.
Key LSC Activities
- Consulting with all stakeholders including industry, training organisations and government to provide quality advice and information on training and related matters.
- Engaging with industry to gather intelligence for the development of the Industry Forecasts and Snapshots.
- Coordinating the Establishment and Variation of Traineeships and Apprenticeships (EVAC).
Other Activities
The LSC provides high-level, strategic and innovative advice to the State Government on Training Needs and priorities for public funding as follows:
- Developing workforce development strategies and action plans to guide the development of a skilled workforce.
- Establish effective working relationships with relevant national Jobs and Skills Councils to represent Western Australian interests in the development and review of training packages.
- Promoting industry take-up of training, including new training initiatives and new and existing worker traineeships.
- Supporting vocational education and training in schools to align with local employment opportunities.
- Building relationships and brokering training solutions for industry with registered training organisations.
- Promoting careers and career pathways in all sectors.
Industry Advisory Groups
The Logistics Skills Council (LSC) has also established high level strategic Industry Advisory Groups (IAG) which deal with sector specific matters on a needs and priority basis. If you believe your experience and background will assist the LDSC in moving the industry forward then please contact us.