Over 40 students from more than 20 countries visited Kinjarling/Albany recently in a Future Leaders Immersion Program field trip to explore regional opportunities through visits to ten industry partners in Perth, Bunbury, and the Great Southern region. The participants are students from the University of Western Australia (UWA), Curtin University, North Metropolitan TAFE and the University of Notre Dame Western Australia. Students connected on the field trip with organisations such as the Southern Ports Albany, City of Albany and Marine Energy Research Australia.
Click here to find out more. There are a range of free courses and tools for Road Transport operators:
Free or low-fee training in a range of short courses and certificates is available under the JobTrainer initiative. This includes, Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations, Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal), Certificate II in Logistics (up to 4 units), Road Transport Driver Skill Set, Shipboard Safety Skill Set and a range of other business related courses.
The National Centre for Vocational Education and Research (NCVER) have recently released a report supporting how the Vocational Education and Training (VET) is best placed to support employers address skills shortages induced by lower migration and changing economic conditions and technological changes. The research examines factors that influence an employers’ decision to engage with the National VET system. Click here to read the report.
In related news, NCVER also hosted a webinar on the 8 December 2021 regarding the research findings of their report: ‘Attracting Industry Experts to Become VET Practitioners: A journey, not a destination’. The recording is now available and can be accessed here: 2021 NCVER Webinars. The Training Accreditation Council (TAC) offers an extensive education program which aims to provide specialised professional development opportunities. The programs provide practical information to support business improvement and assist RTOs understand and meet their compliance obligations against the Standards for RTOs. In addition, recordings and resources for previous workshops/webinars is available to view here.
vThe National Centre for Vocational Education and Research (NCVER) have released a summary of employment outcomes for students completing Vocational Education and Training in Australia. The data collected also included the impact of COVID-19 and shows improved employment outcomes in 2021 when compared to 2020.
Click here to access the report. There is still time to consider putting on a trainee of apprentice to support your business. The Commonwealth Government extended the 50% wage subsidy available through the Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) program with the $726m Completing Apprenticeship Commencement program providing 2nd and 3rd year wage subsidies of 10% and 5% respectively. This support is for 270,000 commencements expected under the BAC program up to 31 March 2022.
In some instances the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is empowered to approve transition periods longer than those detailed in Clauses 1.26(a), (b) and (c) of the Standards of Registered Training Organisations 2015. ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for qualifications from the Training Package. For a list of qualifications and extended transition period end dates, please access the extended transition period qualification list. The qualifications will remain on RTOs scope of registration until the end of the extended transition period unless the RTO chooses to withdraw it from scope prior. Click here to view training products with current transition extensions.
Australian Industry Standards (AIS) have advised their are a number of project updates and training package materials do be reviewed. Click the read more link below to see the updates for:
March 2024